Value of FBM-Lender Version Value of FBM-Farmer Version The Farm Business Management Educational Program at Moorhead Minnesota is available through the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) and is administered through Northland Community and Technical College,Thief River Falls, Minnesota. The Farm Business Management Program at Moorhead Minnesota is designed to provide education to farm owners and operators or persons interested in farming in the Red River Valley in western Clay, Norman and Wilken Counties. The primary delivery method of instruction is through individualized instruction. Instruction is also delivered in small and large group meetings. For more information about curriculum and other programs in the state of Minnesota contact the Minnesota Farm Business Management web site at Ag Centric
When enrolled in the Farm Business Management Program, you will receive instruction on how to:
“Where am I now?”
“Where do I want to be?”
“How do I get there?”
“How do I monitor my progress?”
“What tools do I need to manage my farm business?”
The Farm Business Management Program at Moorhead Minnesota is designed for farm business managers who want to improve their skills and become more profitable to meet their goals. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” -Seneca
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Josh Tjosaas Josh.Tjosaas@Northlandcollege.edu Farm Business Management Dept. Phone: (218) 299-5827 or (218) 299-5863 Fax: (218) 299-5838
A Member of the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities System