NCTC FBM - Moorhead                                      
                                   Age Of Operator Report, 1999                                 
                   Northland Community and Technical College Farm Business Mgt.                 

                                         Average For                                            
                                          All Farms    Under 31    31 - 40    41 - 50    51 - 60
                                         -----------    --------    -------    -------    ------
 Number of farms                                  72          7         19         31         12

 Income Statement
   Gross cash farm income                     490981     433589     472329     466673     516141
   Total cash farm expense                    434399     403236     407473     405444     440045
   Net cash farm income                        56581      30353      64855      61229      76096
   Inventory change                            40102      73612      34975      34641      30050
   Depreciation and capital adjustment        -18642     -12116     -15956     -21886     -26053
   Net farm income                             78041      91849      83875      73984      80094

 Profitability (cost)
   Labor and management earnings               53535      84393      66293      44568      45326
   Rate of return on assets                      9 %       17 %       11 %        8 %        7 %
   Rate of return on equity                     11 %       49 %       17 %        8 %        7 %
   Operating profit margin                      16 %       20 %       17 %       16 %       17 %
   Asset turnover rate                          53 %       85 %       62 %       48 %       42 %

 Profitability (market)
   Labor and management earnings               22750      63307      54719      21437      -1010
   Rate of return on assets                      5 %       11 %        8 %        5 %        3 %
   Rate of return on equity                      4 %       27 %       11 %        4 %        1 %
   Operating profit margin                      12 %       16 %       16 %       13 %       11 %
   Asset turnover rate                          39 %       73 %       47 %       37 %       31 %

   Term debt coverage ratio                    120 %      189 %      132 %      126 %      124 %
   Expense as a percent of income               81 %       79 %       80 %       80 %       81 %
   Interest as a percent of income               8 %        7 %        7 %        8 %        9 %

 Solvency (cost)
   Number of sole proprietors                     58          4         16         27          9
   Ending farm assets                         936940         -      750497    1034793    1146875
   Ending farm liabilities                    543258         -      498072     572960     594921
   Ending total assets                       1111285         -      912826    1225077    1377923
   Ending total liabilities                   585559         -      546308     620965     629292
   Ending net worth                           525726         -      366517     604113     748631
   Net worth change                            49040         -       51667      41206      55657
   Ending farm debt to asset ratio              58 %       80 %       66 %       55 %       52 %
   Beg total debt to asset ratio                54 %       88 %       63 %       51 %       48 %
   End total debt to asset ratio                53 %       79 %       60 %       51 %       46 %

                                       NCTC FBM - Moorhead                                      
                                   Age Of Operator Report, 1999                                 
                   Northland Community and Technical College Farm Business Mgt.                 

                                         Average For                                            
                                          All Farms    Under 31    31 - 40    41 - 50    51 - 60
                                         -----------    --------    -------    -------    ------
 Number of farms                                  72          7         19         31         12

 Solvency (market)
   Number of sole proprietors                     58          4         16         27          9
   Ending farm assets                        1177081         -      944917    1300053    1522181
   Ending farm liabilities                    669985         -      593097     721992     781748
   Ending total assets                       1378795         -     1141925    1522184    1769459
   Ending total liabilities                   732606         -      667018     786450     831876
   Ending net worth                           646189         -      474906     735734     937583
   Net worth change                            38849         -       46513      28248      47351
   Ending farm debt to asset ratio              57 %       78 %       63 %       56 %       51 %
   Beg total debt to asset ratio                53 %       86 %       60 %       51 %       48 %
   End total debt to asset ratio                53 %       81 %       58 %       52 %       47 %

 Nonfarm Information
   Farms reporting living expenses                20          1          7          9          3
   Total family living expense                 35123         -       37218      35241         - 
   Total living, invest, & capital purch       55576         -       41226      60721         - 
   Net nonfarm income                          17509      10242      19210      19135      18194

 Crop Acres
   Total acres owned                             384        200        291        405        579
   Total crop acres                             1642       1587       1741       1547       1644
   Total crop acres owned                        323        116        201        347        577
   Total crop acres cash rented                 1276       1461       1448       1167       1067
   Total crop acres share rented                  43         11         92         33         -